Petition Time: Save the Gentle, Endangered Thai Pangolin!


Hugh Paxton’s Blog urges readers to sign and circulate the following petition on the pangolin trade.

From: Kathleen J., Care2 Action Alerts []
Sent: 26 June 2012 12:09 PM
To: Hugh Paxton
Subject: Save the Gentle, Endangered Thai Pangolin!

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Hi Hugh,

The pangolin is an adorable and gentle creature, shy and nocturnal. It is also one of the most tortured and abused animals in the world.

Stand up for the pangolin. »

The little-known pangolin is killed wholesale for local medications and even as an ingredient in hard liquor.

Captured pangolins are frequently drowned by people who don’t care that, as mammals, their central nervous systems register every iota of fear and pain.

Because they offer so little resistance, these harmless anteaters have been hunted to the brink of extinction in their native Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand. Customs officials recently intercepted a load of 110 illegally poached pangolins from Thailand. And this shipment is believed to be part of a larger criminal smuggling operation.

China is currently the biggest market for poached pangolins. Tell Chinese authorities to crack down on illegal imports of pangolins! »

kathleen.jpg Thanks for taking action!


Save the Endangered Thai Pangolin
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