Hugh’s Cooking Spot: How to set fire to your face.


It’s really easy to set fire to your face if you follow these simple instructions for Steak Diane.

Here is how to do it.

You check recipes on the internet choose one that’s really time consuming. Chop this, simmer that, grate things. Return steak covered in Dijon mustard to heated pan and then add a slosh of brandy.

Here it comes!

You then add a naked flame to the brandy and there you are! An eruption of flame! It hit the fragging ceiling!

I was using Thai brandy and that might have been where I went wrong. But if you are trying this at home don’t use Thai brandy and if you are don’t try it at home!

Hugh with singed eyebrows no whiskers or hairs on my right arm.

But the end result wasn’t a failure. It worked!  Delicious!

I’ll just never do it again!