Thai Days; Rats!


Hugh Paxton’s Blog has had a rough old day. The hedgehogs went and wherever they’ve gone I really don’t give a flying Peking duck. Not nice animals.

Annabel wanted rats.

We went to find some.

Chatuchack market was our destination. It is a vast, vivid market located a long way away from my house.

Annabel was a bit nervous. One of her teachers had been slashed in the face with a knife by a taxi driver.

Well boo hoo! I’d like to slash most of her teachers in the face with a knife!

But I had concerns. Chatuchak is pure poison.

You get there and you buy something. In my case almost at once. We started on our rat hunt and I saw a water buffalo skull and just had to have it. I’ve now got it!

There are many things to be said about water buffalo skulls but I’ll be swift and to the point. They are heavy, complicated to carry and you shouldn’t buy one. But wow! Worth the effort!

Political unrest in Thailand continues to make me afraid. This military coup is appalling! Annabel and I walked past all these evil soldiers and police and they were merry and sweating and lots of people were taking selfies with a bit of military background.

We got two rats home.. I Love them!


2 Responses to “Thai Days; Rats!”

  1. Stella Says:

    Well done scoring a water buffalo skull! And rats are great little animals. They’re friendly and significantly more fun to cuddle than hedgehogs.

  2. Hugh Says:

    Stella, you are right as usual!

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